Development of the Human Resource Manual – Uganda; Local Governments Associations 1999
Local Government

Review of Public Procurement System in Uganda, 2002 in Partnership with Crown Agents.
Government of Uganda

Training in Public Procurement Regulations, 2001; Reformed Central Tender Board, Uganda.
Reformed Central Tender Board, Uganda

Procurement of Consultancy Services to Undertake the Review and Updating of the African Union Commission Procurement Policies and Procedures Manual.
TheĀ  African Union Commission

Procurement Consultancy Under Strengthening Decentralization for sustainability (SDS), a USAID Funded Program Covering 35 Districts to Identify Areas for Improvement of Local Government Procurement Procedures and Develop Asset of Technical Assistance Resources for use in the 35 Districts.

Transaction Advisory to Uni-freight Cargo Handling Limited to manage the Uganda government-owned Mombasa inland port project on concession at Mombasa
Uni-Freight Cargo

Advisory to Sharp Electronics Ltd for the Provision of Street Lighting in Kisoro Town Under Public Private partnerships.
Sharp Electronics

Advisory of an Equity Acquisition of the Joseph’s Initiative Ltd by Dutch Oak Tree Foundation, Joseph Initiative Mauritius and Other Partners.
Joseph Initiative and Other Partners