Procurement of Consultancy Services to Undertake the Review and Updating Of the African Union Commission Procurement Policies and Procedures Manual.

Approx. value of service provide by firm under contract in USD



Addis Abaaba, Ethiopia


The African Union Comission


3 months (September 2014 – December 2014)

Name of senior professional staff of AMC involved and functions performed

EDGAR GERALD AGABA- Consultant/Team Leader

  • Reviewing AU’s Legal and Regulatory Framework, AU Procurement Policies & Procedures Manual, Previous Audit Reports (both internal and external), World Bank Operations manual for AUC, past and current AU procurement structures, AU’s finance rules and regulations as adopted by the Executive Council in January 2014.
  • Bench-marking current AU procurement policies and guidelines to international best practices and making recommendations for improvement.
  • Diagnosing AU’s current procurement framework, roles and responsibilities of stakeholders and propose recommendations for process simplification and automation tools that can be utilised across the commission structures for better management of procurement.
  • Reviewing the whole procurement process from drafting of technical specifications, solicitation/standard bidding documents their adequacy to the services/goods/works needed, advertising/publication of tender opportunities, prequalification and short listing of providers, issuance of bids, receipt of bid and bid evaluation, contract negotiations, contract award to contract management and monitoring framework; and propose templates/forms/records and other related documents that can be used to document/approve every stage of the procurement process with minimal delays.

NABOTH MUHAIRWE- Sub-consultant

  • Reviewing the Internal and External Audit recommendations and observations.
  • Interviewing Tender Board, Regional Officers, African Business Organization

ASAPH AGABA- Sub-consultant  

  • Drafting revisions and proposed amendments to the procurement manual, bidding documents and form


Reviewing the African Union Procurement manual in order to establish a robust Procurement System that can be relied upon by the not only the African Union Commission but also other African Union organs including the Court and Parliament, and other   Development Partners to ensure transparency, efficiency, accountability and value for money in procurement of goods, services and works in the African union organs.

Description of actual services provided by AMC staff within the assignment

  • Reviewed the African Union Procurement manual
  • Conducted a review of procurement procedures and processes of other International Development Organizations to identify best practices for benchmarking purposes.
  • Proposed and suggested how best the Commission can attract the participation of African Business organisations/suppliers to enhance the regional development and promotion of local African goods and services.
  • Identified international best practices and proposed policy recommendations that could be adopted by the Commission in line with the current global trends.
  • Engaged with the various stakeholders and proposed guidelines and procedures that respond to the needs of the Commission at the Headquarters and Regional Offices.
  • In consultation with the Commission, identified internal challenges that comply with procedures and guidelines in the global procurement arena and made proposals to address them.
  • Translated the above recommendations into a draft manual and organized a workshop with key stakeholders for further review and endorsement.
  • Reviewed all existing procurement templates and standard letters such as Procurement Bidding Documents, Evaluation Templates, Bid Opening Templates, Standards Letters and other related documents.
  • Outlined the role and responsibilities of all the stakeholders and other departments within the commission which play a vital role in the procurement process.